The New Republic: Issac Chotner: ‘Ross Douhat Column on Young People: Individualism & Liberalism’

Isaac Chotiner_ Ross Douthat Column on Young People_ Individualism and Liberalism (2014) - Google SearchSource:The New Republic– I guess this would be young people in America.

Source:The New Democrat 

This just in: the Far-Left in America (The New Republic included) doesn’t like anything that Ross Douhat or any other Conservative or real Liberal has to say about anything. If you don’t believe check out Issac Chotner’s column at The New The New Republic, if you don’t mind paying for what you read. I guess some Socialists in life believe that not everything in life should be free.

This blog talks a lot about labels, especially what they mean in politics.  Thus, when I read a column in the  New Republic, that no longer looks like that great liberal magazine that once questioned the influence of governmental power in personal and economic lives, but now post columns that support both the welfare state and the nanny state, I feel the need to reply.

Young people love big government?  Do you really see a call for higher taxes, more centralized government  programs, and expansion of the war on drugs from young adults?  Do you hear them saying that legalizing same-sex-marriage would be a horrible mistake that would ruin our national moral fiber, that we not only need to outlaw same-sex-marriage but outlaw homosexuality all together?  Are they saying that privacy is dangerous and we need to prohibit not only currently illegal drugs but also currently legal drugs, e.g., like sugar, caffeine, alcohol, and tobacco.

The polling data from my Generation, X, and Generation Y show that big government is not popular with these people.  They want the freedom to make their own decisions.  They don’t want a nanny state trying to run their lives for them or a welfare state making most of their economic decisions for them.

Medicare, Social Security, Unemployment Insurance, help for the needy, public education, etc., such government programs at one level or another have always been popular and I imagine that they always will be.  These are social insurance programs for people who need them.  They intrude into personal space much less than a welfare or nanny state that seeks to manage the life of every citizen.

The future of American politics lies with the Ron Paul Libertarians on the Right, who may save the Republican Party from itself and eventually take control of it, and want government almost completely out of our lives, and the Brian Schweitzer (former governor of Montana) liberals on the center-right who believe in the safety net with equal rights and protections for all Americans, including  personal choice and autonomy over our personal lives.  Neither of these groups wants the government to try to run our lives for us.

However, the Bernie Sanders Socialists and the Social Democrats on the far-left have their supporters and followers.  They, and the real welfare-staters, want to see a big, centralized, social democratic  government in this country. But they aren’t a governing faction and will never be as long as they are putting down private enterprise and capitalism and trying to convince the middle class that they are under-taxed and that government simply needs more of their hard earn money.

About Erik Schneider

I use the American Liberal photo as the cover photo for this blog, because that’s exactly what I am. And no, not in the stereotypical, sort of pop culture sense of what an American Liberal is supposed to be. But someone who represents what American liberalism, as well as European liberalism, and perhaps the liberalism of the rest of the world outside of the United States. Liberals are people who believe in defense of liberal democracy, as well as the preservation of liberal democracy. And of course we also believe in liberal democracy with all the individual rights, and other liberal values that come from liberal democracy, the liberal democratic form of government, like equal opportunity, equal rights, equal justice, property rights, individual freedom and freedom of choice for everybody, as well as limited but responsible government, and fiscal responsibility
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